“The Source needs you. The Authentic Self needs you. It needs your feet. It needs your hands. It needs your body. The Real needs inspired individuals who deeply care about the evolution of humanity.”
Teaching Programme - Transitioning to and Deepening in Teaching The Form Reality Practice
Being a teacher of The Form is an ongoing profound commitment which will continuously evolve your life and the lives of those you teach. As a Form teacher, you learn to live in the cutting edge of your own evolution. You are discovering how to assist in the ongoing evolution of the whole of humanity, bringing about a profound change in the way we as humanity live, function and create - a total cultural change that will bring about a life of meaning, value and purpose for all beings.
Through teaching The Form you will begin to understand that you yourself are being taught as you boldly embrace giving The Form to humanity. The Form is not about creating more spiritual teachers but for both teacher and student to rediscover constantly that the spiritual teacher is life itself.
It is an amazing never ending journey!
Requirements of the Programme
The prerequisite to becoming a Form Teacher is to have previously learned the full 5-part sequence of The Form either on a Form retreat with B Prior or with an accredited Form teacher. All accredited teachers are actively engaged in the programme activities. The purpose of the Teaching Programme is to grow the practice and understanding of The Form universally and the embodiment of it in your daily life.
Ongoing commitments of a Form Teacher:
• To attend a The Form Parts 1-5 Retreat with B Prior every second year.
• To attend one Refresher Teacher Training Course every second year.
• Active engagement and participation in the ongoing activities of the Teaching Programme.
• Teaching The Form or actively moving towards becoming an active teacher.
• Payment of the annual membership fee.
For more information about Transitioning to and Deepening in Teaching The Form contact: theform@realitypractice.org
NB: Only Accredited Teachers can teach The Form. Accredited Teachers are actively and ongoingly engaged in the Teacher Training Program through the B Prior Foundation.
“As you take the Leap of Faith into teaching The Form, all those who move towards you are also taking a Leap of Faith.”
"All teacher trainings are unique and delightful and this was especially true of the latest one in Crete. There was an awareness throughout the day of the Oneness in the deepening of the calling to share the wonder and mystery of The Form Reality Practice in the world. I was especially touched to observe the uniqueness of expression of love that each brings to the sharing and in awe of the transformations in new teachers as they stepped into the practicing of teaching."
- Maggie Maylin, Crete TT Oct 2017
"The Crete Teacher Training has really inspired me as to how simple it is to let The Form just do what it is, the living transmission of Realised Consciousness. The way the TT unfolded is a mirror of how people will be called by what they know to come and learn The Form. I now have the audacity and eagerness to share this truly transforming Reality Practice with all who wish to have a fulfilling life living as the Realised Consciousness we are returning to."
- Ann McDwyer, Crete TT Oct 2017
"The Form Practice is who we are. In Teacher Training, this became Real. I discovered that The Form teaches itself and the teacher guides the student to where the movement takes them, through softening and opening into the sensations in the body and beyond the body.
Teacher Training took me to an intense intimacy in the subtlety of every movement and that revealed deeper knowing of where the movement is coming from and how it informs me and fulfills me, by claiming me as that which I Truly Love.
Through the Teacher Training day, my dance of The Form has now begun to take place in a Realm which has a finer resonance and an expanded vastness, with deeper stillness and greater softness. I am knowing Divine Grace alive through moving in The Form."
- Susan, Australia, NZ TT Dec 2016
"Doing the teacher training after the 5-day retreat with B was a perfect flow of deepening and merging my inner experience towards being of service in the outer world. During teacher training satsang with B, I became brightly aware of the interconnected way the movements and teachings move as one to integrate the Self, Consciousness and Pure Being."
- Lea, NZ TT Dec 2016