“The Form speeds up the process of you knowing that you are Divine and entering that place. The Form brings about the awakening of You as Awareness-Knowing having a body, having a self, moving Life forward.”
Ways to Learn The Form
The Form is taught worldwide by B Prior and Teachers of The Form. In its entirety The Form consists of five parts which are taught in sequence. Each part carries a different universal energetic frequency.
Click on the 'Teachers & Events' button in the top menu bar to find a teacher in your country and book on their next introductory event or course.
B Prior is the originator of The Form, visit his website to find out about upcoming retreats...
NB: Only Accredited Teachers can teach The Form. Accredited Teachers are actively and ongoingly engaged in the Teacher Training Program through the B Prior Foundation. To find out more about The Form Teacher Training Programme click here...
Anyone can learn cosmoFORM here on the website. CosmoFORM is free to learn, share and to show others.
Learn cosmoFORM here...