Venue: Skye Cottage
Phone: 0499 437 792
Cost: 60
The Heart of Momentum CosmoForm course
Have you ever wondered why movement is pivotal to your growth as a human being?
Come along to this Course and learn Cosmoform and other new radical life changing micro movements each week of the four week course.
These simple movements become portals to peace, embodying deep heart awareness and can be practiced by anyone, anywhere at anytime. They may assist you to move forward into true healing from habits, stress and anxiety.
Discover in a group atmosphere of encouragement and care how moving the body in gentle ways opens our consciousness to powerful new places, that then move your life and relationships to new levels.
Each class will include a new movement, heart opening dialogue and a cuppa tea and treat.
CosmoFORM is not connected to any religion, dogma or lineage.